Therapeutic tools
Ericksonian hypnosis, sophrology, NLP and Ritmo® are complementary tools for achieving the desired change for you or your child.
By combining these and other methods, including psychopathology, neuroscience and EFT, I can support you in resolving behavioral, emotional and self-confidence problems, and in improving your skills.

Ericksonian Hypnosis
When talking about Hypnosis and its powers, I use the term “learning facilitator”. I’m here to guide you, but it’s you who holds the magic wand. I’m convinced that everyone has all the resources they need to make the changes they want. The altered state of consciousness that characterizes a hypnotic trance state is a natural process triggered by sensory focus. Hypnosis makes it possible to achieve results that would otherwise be impossible.
Hypnosis for children
Children naturally live in a world of imagination, and imagination is an important factor in hypnotic reactivity. Hypnosis is therefore child’s play for all youngsters. How often do children become absorbed in their play, in the stories they tell themselves, forgetting the time around them?
This natural process can be used in children to bring movement where there is none. At an unconscious level, children learn to find their own solutions, to decipher and work around difficulties. What’s more, children learn that they have many resources within themselves. This is an important step towards healthy adult autonomy.
Therapeutic hypnosis is an effective tool for :
- Gain self-confidence
- Overcome fears and anxiety
- Better manage emotions
- Seek and find innate resources
- Confront limiting beliefs
- Change behaviors
- Improve concentration and learning

Sophrology and its benefits
The benefits of Sophrology are numerous. It contributes to an improvement in daily life, and therefore in overall quality of life. Sophrology is based on 3 fundamental principles: breathing, muscle relaxation and positive visualization. It is a mind-body method that helps you reconnect with your sensations and your body. Sophrology is a way of getting to know yourself better and learning to manage your emotions to achieve a better balance in your life.
2 types of exercise
2 types of exercise
Whether it’s sophrology with children or sophrology with adults, 2 types of exercises will always be used:
Dynamic relaxation
Through gentle body movement, combined with conscious, controlled breathing, we reclaim our body. Muscular contraction and relaxation bring about a relaxation of the body-mind. The child or adult experiences his or her true feelings. This lays the foundations for the next exercise.
Specific techniques (Sophronization)
After this first step, you find yourself in a state of deep relaxation. Through positive visualization, all muscular tension is released. The intensity of emotions due to a specific situation (school, job interview, exam, etc.) will diminish over the course of the sessions.
Possible fields of application:
- Sleep disorders
- Anxiety, stress (school, interviews, exams...)
- Self-confidence
- Overcoming adversity (bereavement, divorce, illness, moving house...)
- Chronic pain management
- Preparing for motherhood

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)
Is a personal development method based on communication with ourselves and others, combined with a better understanding of our values, beliefs, conscious and unconscious behavior patterns, etc. in other words: ourselves.
The desired change is above all defined by the how, not the why. This goal-oriented approach is a technique also used in coaching.
The benefits of NLP: putting words to one's problems
NLP is an observer of the whole person, and can therefore be defined as a philosophy of life. It combines linguistics, psychology and neuroscience in a remarkable way, while opening a door to a new perception of our environment, our situation.
A tool for :
- Managing emotions
- Achieve your goals
- Overcome stress
- Communicate better with yourself
- Improve relationships

RITMO® is a technique related to EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Retreatment).
It was first developed in the USA in the 1980s. Rather by chance, Francine Shapiro, an American psychologist, discovered a correlation between eye movements and changes in state, and more specifically in emotions. The method proved its worth with traumatized victims of the Vietnam War, and finally arrived in France. By combining EMDR with l’hypnose, its founder, Lili Ruggieri, has created an effective approach akin to EMDR.
The benefits of RITMO®
To overcome a traumatic event, the practitioner uses visual, auditory and/or physical stimulation to enable the brain to “digest” the memory. The result is a change in perception of the traumatic event. It can finally be integrated and overcome. In some cases, a single session may be sufficient; in more complex cases, several sessions are required. This method, combined with deeper Hypnosis and Sophrology, brings excellent results. Thanks to our brain’s plasticity, RITMO® appeals to our natural capacity for self-healing. The unconscious facilitates the removal of blockages, particularly those at an emotional level.
For what circumstances?
RITMO® can be applied in a variety of circumstances, such as :
- Bereavement
- Accidents
- Aggression
- Releasing emotional blockages
- Regulating compulsive behavior
- Unblocking fears